Friday, June 10, 2011


So remember how a lost 30 pounds? Remember how I promised myself I wouldn't gain anything when I got married? Okay you probably don't remember that promise but I do. Well, I broke that promise. I'm ashamed to say I have gained some weight. I'd prefer not to tell you the number, just know that I am sad. I am not far from what I weighed after losing 30 pounds but still.

The point of this post is not to whine and complain (like unfortunately many of my posts have been). The point is to get some advice. We got an iPod touch (YAY) and I got this app (thank you Steph) called My Fitness Pal. Well, I entered in all my information and it told me my net calories a day should be 1340. I have not yet found time to get back into a workout routine yet, so right now I am trying to only eat 1340 calories a day. I am STARVING all the time! Seriously, I eat a pretty good balanced meal: protein, fruits, veggies (sometimes), limited bread, etc. and I try to eat every couple hours but like 30 minutes to an hour after I eat, I'm starving again. Not just a little hungry, like painfully hungry. My question to all of you (please help) is: is this healthy???? 1340 calories seems like a super small amount to me. When I was working out really hard I was eating a lot more and still losing weight. I know my ability to eat more came from the calories I burned working out, but I'm just confused. I'm confused about if it is healthy for me to eat such a small amount of calories a day. Should I listen to my body and eat more? Or should I listen to this little app telling me to starve myself?

I always thought it would be easy for me to lose weight again after I figured out my system from before. But it's reeeaaaly hard. I can't figure out just what I did before. I know I worked out a TON but I'm either too busy or not motivated. I'd really love any and all advice, even if it's small. Thank you. :)


  1. You are so impressive and very healthy. :) My advice is to go to the wellness center here on campus. I went in once a week last semester and told them what I was eating and stuff. It's a really cool program and I highly recommend it.

  2. Oh baby sister, I feel your pain! it takes a long long long time for your body to adjust to eating less. I say get a scale and start weighing yourself once a week. The scale isn't always the best way to measure weight loss but the initial few pounds of water weight you will lose will motivate you. 1340 doesn't sound too low, it's probably just a big difference from what you are used to. Each body is different and each phase your life changes your hormones which affects your weight so be patient with your body and don't beat yourself up too much. weight loss is really a mathematical equation of taking in less than you burn. It is painful. It is annoying. My only advice is to just get through 3-4 days of being 100% and I promise that after awhile your body will adjust and you'll start making progress. Michelle got me hooked on a fabulous cookbook called volumetrics. The theory is that you fill up and I mean FILL UP on fibrous vegetables which are low energy density foods. think of a grape and a raisin- a raisin has the same energy potential as a grape but a grape fills up more space because of all the water. You want foods that take up a lot of space but aren't very high in calories. Vegetables are fabulous for that. I'm always here if you want advice. It's a journey and it's hard but you can do it!

  3. I recommend the book Intuitive Eating. I don't try calories/fats/carbs/or anything. I just eat when I'm hungry. I eat what my body is craving. And I eat until I'm full. And I'm losing weight...without feeling stressed or hungry or frustrated. I really recommend it. Love you :)
