Friday, August 3, 2012

Stress and Relaxation

I need some advice. How on earth do you clear your mind and relax?

I am definitely a Type A personality. I get worked up over the smallest things, I am insanely hard on myself, I get easily saddened/tired, I am super paranoid about everything, and it's impossible for me to just sit, do nothing, and relax. I know those don't all describe Type A, but oh well.

In my Turbo Fire stretch video, she talks to the Type A's and asks us if we can allow ourselves to let go and relax. I try, but I seriously can't. The second I try to clear my mind, something else jumps in and I start worrying about it or I think about everything I want to do that day. I don't understand why it's so hard for me to just chill out.

I'm so used to being in school and being extremely busy, which helps distract me from lame worries (Seriously, if you heard the things I worry about, you would think I am ridiculous). Right now, I just stay at home in a basement apartment all day, sewing, and watching Boy Meets World. I'm really lonely and bored. Thankfully, I start work on Monday and I couldn't be happier to have something to keep me busy and keep me around people. However, that doesn't help me solve the real problem of being able to relax. It kills me to just sit on the couch and do nothing. I feel so lazy and unproductive and plus just sitting makes clearing my mind even more difficult.

I'm sure this probably sounds very pity-me, like I know some of my other posts have sounded, but I genuinely need some advice. How can I clear my mind and allow myself to relax? I need so badly to calm myself down.


  1. Candace I totally know how you're feeling. It was something I struggled with for a long long time. I was so anxious all the time, I couldn't be content and was always worried about things that don't need to be worried about. It was to the point that it was causing emotional breakdown and ruining my relationships and making school and work much harder than they needed to be.

    So, I did some research and decided that I probably have PMDD, because my symptoms seemed to be worst in the two weeks before and during my period. I went into my doctor and she listened wonderfully and gave me a prescription for an anti-anxiety pill (Zolof) and it has helped me SO SO much. It's a fairly mild pill and it just helped me take the edge off my tense crazyness.

    Idk if that is something that appeals to you at all, but it might be worth looking into. It costs me about 5 dollars a month for peace of mind and that's totally worth it for me.

    If you have any questions about what it is or how I feel or whatnot just let me know!

    Also, I was having an impossible time sleeping because my mind was always spinning out of control and I couldn't settle it down. She told me that instead of counting sheep or whatnot, she imagines a ball rising and falling along her spine. Sounds too simple, and a bit strange. But it has helped me tremendously. Counting or reciting my ABCs just remined me of too many things... the ball works great though, actually calms my mind while also occupying it.

    ok. that was a novel! Hope it helps!

  2. When I can't get my brian to shut up, I pray and thank Heavenly Father for everything that He as blessed me with; especially the little things: flowers, plumbing, toilet paper, clean water, beautiful music. It instantly clears my mind of worries and helps me relax.

  3. Candace, you and I seriously are kindred spirits. I'm going to start just copying and pasting your posts onto my own blog lol. Really, we need to be in the same town again ASAP.

    I'll tell ya what I do.... eat. Great solution eh? ;)

    I'll be watching for any good answers on here haha. But hey, keep your chin up and know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE! <3
